Hi everyone! Once again, apologies for not doing very well at keeping up with my blog! I am resolved to do better!
I have great news for you - Book 2 of The Emberjar will be available for you on Amazon from around the middle of April! The title of the book is The Orange of Kashiq, and you can see the cover to the left.
It has been quite difficult writing through the global Covid pandemic. For some months I was unable to write at all, but gradually I began to immerse myself in the sights and sounds of the land of Kashiq which neighbours Oramia. This story takes us, along with Talla and some of her companions from Flammeus on another quest as Talla finds out more about herself and her society, and about how different things are in other lands. We meet new and important characters, learn more about old characters and continue on our voyage of discovery.
I really do hope you will enjoy this next book. I'd like to thank my wonderful Beta readers for their comments, suggestions and support throughout my writing process, and all of my readers who have waited patiently for he next instalment!