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People & Places
Many readers have asked me to include a guide to pronouncing the names and places in The Emberjar series. So, here is a list of names and places from The Orange of Kashiq and their pronunciation.
Notes on pronunciation: Vowels are pronounced as follows
A- short, as in bag, not as in hay
E- short, as in egg, not as in eve
I- short, as in fin, not as in fine
O- short, as in boss, not as in lone
U-short, as in hut, not as in lute
Consonants are always pronounced hard e.g
G is pronounced as in Gold not as in Gel
C is pronounced as in Class not as in Ace
CH is pronounced hard as if lock, not loch
The syllable to be emphasised is underlined.
Achillea - A-kill-ee-ya
Ambar - Am-bar
Ashkana - Ash-car-na
Asmara - Ass-mah-ra
Avenda - A-ven-da
Bellis - Bell-iss
Benakiell - Ben-ah-keel
Centaurea - Kent-or-ear
Farin - Fa-rin
Flora - Flor-rah
Finzari - Fin-zah-ree
Gladia - Glad-ee-ya
Hortensia - Hor-tense-ee-ya
Hurkim - Hoor-kim
Jember - Jem-burr
Lunaria - Loo-nair-ee-ya
Mazin - Ma-zeen
Maren - Mah-run
Parline - Par-leen
Ravin - Ra-veen
Rubra - Roo-bra
Shafir - Sha-fee-ya
Shira - Sheer-ah
Silene - Sai-lee-nee
Tarik - Ta-rick
Arbhoun - Ar-boon
Ebdil - Ebb-dil
Gabez - Ga-bez
Gabish - Ga-bish
Galdin - Gal-din
Kafindim - Ka-fin-dim
Kashiq - Ka-sheek
Mellia - Mell-ee-ya
Oramia - O-rahm-ee-ya
Pirhan - Pi-rahn
Rishkar - Rish-car
Shiljam - Shill-jam
Gods and Goddesses
Ashkana - Ash-car-na
Asmara - Ass-mah-ra
Maliq - Ma-lick
Rao - Rah-oh
Soren - So-ren
Yael - Yah-ell
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